Product Details

TekBIO Bio-Safety Cabinet
Class II Bio safety Cabinet Type A1 & A2 are designed for protection of operator, product andenvironment from pathogenic agents and microorganisms transmitted in respiratory way and alsofor creation of a bacterial dust free air environment. It has a common plenum from which 30% ofair is exhausted, and 70% re-circulated to the work area as the down flow. Type A cabinetsexhaust air directly back to the laboratory, and they may contain positive pressure contaminatedplenums. When toxic chemicals must be employed as an adjunct to microbiological processes,these cabinets should not be used. Exhaust HEPA filtration only removes airborne aerosols includingbiohazards, and not chemical fumes.
The Class II Type A1 has the positively-pressurized contaminated plenum bordering the ambientenvironment, and therefore is less safe than the Class II Type A2 that has a negative pressuresurrounding the positively pressurized contaminated plenum. In case there is a leakage on thepositive plenum, the leaking aerosol will be pulled by the negative pressure back to the positiveplenum, and it will not leak out. Because of the safety issue, the Type A1 design is now consideredobsolete. In the A2 cabinet, about 70% of air from the positive plenum is recirculated as down flow,and the remaining.
TekBIO Class II Type B1 Biological Safety Cabinets:
The Class II Type B1 biological safety cabinet has a common plenum from which 70% of air isexhausted, and 30% re-circulated to the work area as the down flow. Type B1 cabinets also have adedicated exhaust feature that eliminates re-circulation when work is performed towards theback within the interior of the cabinet. Toxic chemicals employed as an adjunct to microbiologicalprocesses should only be employed if they do not interfere with work when re-circulated in thedown flow.
TekBIO Class II Type B2 Biological Safety Cabinets:
TekBIO Class II Type B2 cabinet all inflow and down flow air is exhausted after HEPA filtration tothe external environment without recirculation within the cabinet. Type B2 cabinets are suitable forwork with toxic chemicals employed as an adjunct to microbiological processes under allcircumstances since no re-circulation occurs. In theory, Type B2 cabinets may be considered to bethe safest of all Class II biological safety cabinets since the total exhaust feature acts as a fail-safe in the event that the down flow and / or exhaust HEPA filtration systems cease to functionnormally. However, Class II Type B2 cabinets are, in practice, difficult to install, balance andmaintain.
Product | Class II Type A1 & A2 Bio Safety Cabinet |
Air balancing Protection | 70% recirculation. 30% exhaust personnel & environmental protection |
MOC Exhaust Filter | Galvanized Iron with PU coated / Stainless Steel – Matt Finish HEPA Filterhaving EU 13 rating with suitable size |
Digital Display | Microprocessor LCD display for Blower, U.V. light, Hour Meter & FLT Timers |
Door | Weight Lifting Sliding Door for easy handling |
Hepa Filter | 99.99% down to 0.3 Microns EU 4 rating with suitable size |
Efficiency | 10 Micron Washable |
Inflow Velocity | Minimum 100% from the front opening |
Illumination of Light | Optimum |
Noise Level | Less than 70 db ‘A’ |
Vibration Level | Minimum |
Magnehelic DifferentialPressure Gauge | 01 No. (Make: Omicron USA) with each unit(To measure differential pressureacross the supply HEPA filter) |
White Lights | Lights through white acrylic cover to get maximum light intensity |
3 Pins Switch & Socket | 15 AMPS – 1 set in each unit |
Other Switches | On/Off switches for motor blower & CFL lights |
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